Robert's Blog

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Using DB2 Stored Procedures, Part 1: Where Do You Want Your SQL?

Over the past few weeks, I've had a number of interesting discussions with people from various organizations on the subject of DB2 stored procedures. These conversations have generally involved questions pertaining to the use of stored procedures in a DB2 environment. The question, "How should we use DB2 stored procedures?" will be answered differently by different organizations, based on their particular requirements and priorities. That said, their are some
factors that ought to be considered in any review of DB2 stored procedure utilization. I'll cover these factors in a three-part entry beginning with this post, which will focus on the issue of client-side versus server-side SQL ("server" here referring to a database server, versus an application server). In part two I'll take a look at static versus dynamic SQL, and in part three I'll examine the issue of database schema visibility.

Some advantages of client-side SQL: I've heard various opinions regarding client-side versus server-side SQL (and from the DB2 data server perspective, "client-side" will usually refer to programs, running in an application server, that access a DB2 database). Proponents of having SQL data manipulation language, or DML, statements (i.e., SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) issued by client-side programs cite, among other things, these benefits:
  • Data-consuming and data-retrieval programs can be implemented in a single, client-side deployment -- This as opposed to a client-side deployment of data-consuming programs and a server-side deployment of associated data retrieval programs. A "one-side" deployment can indeed require less in the way of coordination, with maybe one programming team involved, versus two, and one platform team -- of application server administrators -- with primary responsibility for system management (though it's hoped that DB2 DBAs would be in the loop, as well).
  • Data-consuming and data-retrieval programs are likely to be written in the same language. It's true that client-side and server-side programs are often coded using different languages, especially when the application and database servers are running on different platforms (it's common, for example, to have sever-side SQL embedded in COBOL programs when the DB2 server is a mainframe, while data-consuming programs might be written in Java and might run on a Linux-based application server). When different programming languages are used on client and data-server platforms, communication between the respective development groups can be a little more challenging than it otherwise would be (particularly when an object-oriented language is used on the one side and a procedural language on the other).
Server-side SQL pluses: People who like their SQL on the server side favor this approach for several reasons, including the following:
  • It makes it easy to use static instead of dynamic SQL. I'll cover static SQL and its connection with stored procedures in part two of this three-part entry. For now, I'll point out that, compared to dynamic SQL, static SQL generally delivers better performance (especially in terms of database server CPU time) and provides for more robust security (an authorization ID does not have to be granted access privileges on database tables in order to execute static SQL statements). Can static SQL be issued from client-side programs? Of course, but it's not always a straightforward matter, as I'll point out in my part-two post.
  • It can increase the degree to which data-access code is reused. When data-access code is packaged in server-side programs, it's generally pretty easy to invoke that code from data-consuming programs written in a variety of languages and running on a variety of platforms (including the platform on which the DB2 data server is running). Is this technically possible when the data-access code is running on an application server? Yes, but -- as is the case regarding the use of static versus dynamic SQL -- I believe that data-access code reuse is a more straightforward proposition when that code runs on the data server.
  • It makes it easier to utilize developers with different programming language skills for the same application project. Admittedly, this is only an advantage if your organization HAS groups of developers with expertise in different programming languages and WANTS to use them for the same project. If that is indeed your situation, server-side SQL could be the ticket for you. It's quite common for data-consuming programs written in languages such as Java and C# to invoke data-access programs written in COBOL or SQL (the latter being a reference to SQL stored procedures).
  • It makes it easier to leverage the talents of skilled SQL coders. SQL becomes more and more rich with each release of DB2 (one indicator being the number of pages in the DB2 SQL Reference). That's a good thing, but it also means that SQL mastery becomes a taller order as time goes by. I've seen in recent years the emergence of professionals who consider themselves to be SQL programmers (this as opposed to, say, Java programmers who know SQL). I feel that server-side SQL facilitates the leveraging of individuals who have top-notch SQL skills.
  • It improves CPU efficiency for transactions that issue multiple SQL DML statements. When SQL DML statements are issued from client-side programs, there are network send and receive operations associated with each such statements. These network trips increase application overhead when transactions issue multiple SQL DML statements -- overhead that is reduced when a client-side program invokes a server-side program that issues the multiple SQL DML statements locally to the DB2 server.
The stored procedure angle: If you like your SQL on the DB2 server side of an application (I do), stored procedures provide a great way to go this route. They can be written in a number of languages (including, as mentioned, SQL), and they come with a nice familiarity factor, in that the stored procedure pattern is well-known to many client-side application developers, including those who have worked with DBMSs other than DB2. Note that a DB2 stored procedure
program can declare and open a cursor in such a way that the result set rows can be fetched by the calling client program -- a useful feature for set-level data retrieval operations. [Mainframers should be aware that native SQL procedures, introduced with DB2 9 for z/OS, can run substantially on zIIP engines when called by DRDA clients through the DB2 distributed data facility -- a prime opportunity to put cost-effective zIIP MIPS to good use.]

So, reason number one for using DB2 stored procedures: they are an excellent choice for the packaging of SQL statements in database server-side programs. My reasons two and three for using DB2 stored procedures will be explained in parts two and three of this three-part blog entry.


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