Robert's Blog

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Much Ado About DB2 Indexes (Part 1)

I was in Denver last week for the North American Conference of the International DB2 Users Group (IDUG). More so than in recent years past, plenty of the talk during this conference was about index enhancements. Several important index-related features have come out over the past several DB2 releases, notable examples being online index reorganization for DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW); block indexes (these enabled multi-dimensional clustering) with DB2 8.1 for LUW; and data-partitioned secondary indexes (aka DPSIs, referred to as "dipsies") with DB2 8 for z/OS. That said, the current versions of the DBMS - DB2 9 for z/OS and DB2 9.7 for LUW (announced last month and available in June) - pack in more index goodies than I've seen since type 2 indexes were delivered with DB2 for z/OS Version 4 in the mid-1990s. In this blog entry, I'll summarize what's new in the world of indexes with DB2 9 for z/OS. Next week, I'll post a "part 2" entry that will describe index enhancements delivered with DB2 9.7 for LUW.

Here, then, is my list of DB2 9 for z/OS features that pertain to indexes (while not necessarily an exhaustive list, it's fairly comprehensive):

Index-on-expression: As I wrote in my previous blog entry, this enhancement provides quick relief to a headache-inducing situation with which many a DBA has dealt: you have a query with a predicate involving a column expression (e.g., WHERE SUBSTR(COL1, 1, 2) = 'AB' or WHERE COL1 + COL2 = 100). The column expression makes the predicate non-indexable, and if there are no other indexable predicates in the query you're looking at a tablespace scan. With DB2 9 for z/OS you can create an index on a column expression, enabling you to make previously non-indexable predicates indexable. The potential payoff: orders-of-magnitude improvement in query performance.

Larger index page sizes: DB2 users have long had a choice with respect to the size of a data page in a table. 4 KB and 32 KB page-size options have always been there, and 8 KB and 16 KB page sizes were added to the mix several years ago. Indexes were a different story, with 4 KB being the only page size supported. That changed with DB2 9 for z/OS and its support for 8KB, 16 KB, and 32 KB index page sizes. Some might think of larger index page sizes only as a means of achieving index compression (see the next item in this list), but they can deliver benefits outside of compression enablement. Consider index page splitting, which occurs when a key value has to be inserted into an already-full index leaf page (not uncommon when an index key is not a continuously-ascending value): a portion of the leaf page's entries (traditionally, half of the entries, but that's also changed with DB2 9, as you'll see when you read about "adaptive index page splitting" a little further down in this list) are moved to an empty page to make room for the new entry, and the whole index tree is latched while this occurs. Larger index page sizes mean less index page splitting. Another potential benefit of a larger index page size is a reduction in the number of levels for an index. Suppose, for example, that an index with 4 KB pages has four levels: a root page that points to level-2 non-leaf pages, which in turn point to level-3 non-leaf pages, which point to the leaf pages. That same index might require only three levels with a larger page size, and that would reduce the CPU cost of each index probe operation (from root-level down to leaf-level) by 25%.

Index compression: Mainframe DB2 users have enjoyed the benefits of tablespace compression since Version 3 (if memory serves me correctly). For some DB2 subsystems, particularly in data warehouse environments, in which the average number of indexes defined on a table tends to be higher than in online transactional systems, the disk space occupied by indexes can exceed the amount used for tablespaces (especially if the latter are compressed, as is very commonly the case). With DB2 9, index compression is an option. It's different from tablespace compression in that 1) it's not dictionary-based and 2) the compression is only at the disk level (index pages are uncompressed in server memory). To be compressed, an index has to use a page size greater than 4 KB (for existing indexes, this can be accomplished via an ALTER INDEX followed by a REBUILD - and go down further in the list to see a REBUILD INDEX enhancement). DB2 then takes that 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB index leaf page (only leaf-level pages are compressed, but the vast majority of an index pages are on this level) and compresses the contents onto a 4 KB page on disk. You might be tempted to think that a 32 KB index page size if best for compression purposes, but you have to keep in mind that DB2 will stop putting entries in a leaf page in memory once it has determined that no more will fit onto the compressed 4 KB version of the page on disk; thus, the aim is to strike a balance between maximizing space savings on disk and minimizing wasted space on index pages in memory. Fortunately, the DSN1COMP utility provided with DB2 9 will give you information that will help you to choose the optimum page size for an index that you want to compress.

Adaptive index page splitting: As previously mentioned (see the "larger index page sizes" item in this list), when an index leaf page must be split in order to accommodate a new entry, DB2 for z/OS will - before DB2 9 - move half of the page's entries to an empty page. That was OK unless entries were inserted in a sequential fashion within ranges. For example, suppose that an index is defined on a column that contains ascending values within the ranges of A001 to A999, B001 to B999, C001 to C999, and so forth. If a leaf page with the highest Annn value - say, A227 - is full and must be split to accommodate a new Annn entry (e.g., A228), half the entries in that page will be moved to a new page. Trouble is, the resultant 50% free space on one of those two pages (the one that does not contain the new highest value in the Annn range) will not be reused because nothing lower than A228 (using my example) will be added to the index (more precisely, that space won't be reused until the index is reorganized). DB2 9 improves on that situation by tracking value-insert pattern for an index. If it detects a sequential-within-range pattern (versus continuously-ascending overall, such as a timestamp or sequence number, in which case no splits will occur because new entries will always be at the "end" of the index), it will change the split process so that fewer than 50% of the split page's entries will be moved to the new page (or, if the insert pattern is descending within ranges, more than 50% of the split page's entries will be moved to the new page). The result: fewer page splits, leading to reduced CPU and elapsed time for application processes.

Online index rebuild: What I'm specifically referring to here is the introduction in DB2 9 for z/OS of a SHRLEVEL CHANGE option for the REBUILD INDEX utility. Formerly, an index rebuild operation would cause the underlying table to be in a read-only state for the duration of the rebuild process. Now, a table can be updated while a REBUILD INDEX operation is underway - DB2 deals with these data-changing operations by using the associated log records to apply the corresponding changes in an iterative fashion as needed to the index being rebuilt (during a final "catch-up" phase of this log apply processing, write activity against the underlying table is drained, as is the case for an online REORG running with SHRLEVEL CHANGE). This utility enhancement is good news for organizations (and there are many) at which new indexes on existing tables are commonly created with the DEFER YES option with a follow-on execution of REBUILD INDEX to physically build the index, and it means better data accessibility when REBUILD INDEX is run for an index in rebuild-pending status. Note, however, that if REBUILD INDEX is run with SHRLEVEL CHANGE for a unique index, inserts and updates (if the latter target a column of the unique index key) will not be allowed for the underlying table, because uniqueness cannot be enforced while the index is being rebuilt.

RENAME INDEX: Online schema evolution - the process by which DB2, in succeeding releases, allows more and more database object change operations to be performed without the need for a drop and re-create of the target object - marches on. In DB2 9 for z/OS, the functionality of the RENAME statement has been extended to include indexes. Note that renaming an index will not cause invalidation of packages (or of DBRMs bound directly into plans), because static SQL statements reference indexes by their object identifier (aka OBID), not by name. Prepared dynamic SQL statements in the dynamic statement cache, on the other hand, reference indexes by name, so those that use a renamed index will be invalidated (they'll of course be re-prepared and re-cached at the next execution following invalidation).

Greater leveraging of index lookaside: Index lookaside, a feature that allows DB2 to repeatedly access entries on a leaf page (and on the associated parent non-leaf page) without having to do a full index probe (root-to-leaf level transit of the index tree) each time, was introduced way back in Version 2 Release 3. It greatly reduced GETPAGEs (and thus, CPU time) for many application processes that used a file of search values sorted according to an indexed table column to retrieve DB2 data. In DB2 for z/OS Version 8, the use of index lookaside was finally extended to data-changing processes, but only for INSERT, and only for the clustering index on a table. With Version 9, DB2 can use index lookaside for INSERT operations with indexes other than the clustering index (assuming that these indexes have an ascending - or, I believe, descending - key sequence), and can also use index lookaside for DELETE operations. IBM performance guru Akira Shibamiya noted in a presentation given at last year's IDUG North American Conference that a test involving heavy insert into a table with three ascending-key indexes showed a reduction in average GETPAGEs per INSERT to 2 in a DB2 9 environment versus 12 in a DB2 for z/OS Version 8 system.

Closing the DPSI performance gap: Data-partitioned secondary indexes (DPSIs), introduced with DB2 for z/OS V8, are indexes over range-partitioned tables (referring to table-controlled versus index-controlled partitioned tablespaces) that are themselves partitioned in accordance with the partitioning scheme of the underlying table. DPSIs are nice for improving performance and availability with respect to some partition-level utilities and for FIRST TO LAST partition-rotation operations, but restrictions on their use for SQL statement access path purposes meant that DPSIs had a "performance gap" versus non-partitioned indexes. In the DB2 9 environment, this gap is made considerably smaller, thanks to these enhancements:
  • Enhanced page-range screening: Page-range screening refers to DB2's ability to avoid accessing table or index partitions in the course of executing an SQL statement, when it determines based on one or more predicates that qualifying rows or index entries cannot possibly be located within said partitions. Page-range screening can have a VERY beneficial impact on query performance, and in the Version 9 environment DB2 can apply page-range screening more broadly to DPSIs.
  • More parallelism: There are more situations in a Version 9 system in which DB2 can parallelize data retrieval for a statement that uses a DPSI for data access.
  • A DPSI can provide index-only access for a SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause.
  • A DPSI can be defined as UNIQUE in a DB2 9 environment, if the DPSI key columns are a super-set of the table's partitioning columns.

And a few more: Just to wrap up with a few quickies:
  • DB2 9 can use a non-unique index to avoid a sort for a SELECT DISTINCT statement.
  • The calculation of CLUSTERRATIO by the DB2 9 RUNSTATS utility provides the optimizer with a more accurate indication of a table's "clusteredness" with respect to an index, particularly if the indexed key has a significant number of duplicate values. This can enable the optimizer to make better decisions regarding the use of such indexes (if desired, the old CLUSTERRATIO calculation can be retained through the ZPARM parameter STATCLUS).
  • The LASTUSED column in the real-time statistics table SYSINDEXSPACESTATS (part of the DB2 9 catalog) shows the last time that an index was used for data access (e.g., for SELECT, FETCH, searched UPDATE, or searched DELETE) or to enforce a referential integrity constraint. This should be VERY helpful when it comes to identifying indexes that are no longer used and which therefore would be candidates for dropping in order to reduce disk-space consumption and CPU costs for inserts and deletes and utilities.
That's a lot of good index stuff. As I mentioned up top, tune in next week for a look at some cool index-related enhancements delivered in DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - In theory, index compression sounds like a good idea, but in the real world, it just could rear up and BITE you, big time!

Come on, where are the James Martin Info Eng. folks?? Indices greater than 1K bytes are the antithesis to proper data design, in the context of accepted data modeling methodologies.

Last thing: Recall when tablespace compression was first introduced, via software driven mechanisms (i.e., before hardware compression was introduced)??? Can you spell MASS C-P-U BURN RATES?!?

Be careful what you wish for, and how you deploy said wish!!


Rick Molera
z/OS DB2 Data Design Purist

October 1, 2009 at 7:44 PM  
Blogger Robert Catterall said...


By "Indeces greater than 1K bytes," are you referring to the length of an index key?

I believe that the CPU cost of index compression will be a good bit less than the cost of the old software-only data compression process used when tablespace compression was first delivered as a mainframe DB2 feature (was that DB2 for OS/390 Version 3?). For one thing, it's not dictionary-based. For another, the index pages are uncompressed in the buffer pool, so once a page is in memory (and often index pages stay in memory for quite some time before being flushed out) there is no added cost associated with accessing information on the index page. The extra cost is incurred at read or write I/O time (there may be a very small amount of overhead related to DB2's keeping track of how many entries are on a given index page, so that the index page can be compressed down to 4K when written to disk). True, there's no free lunch, but my expectation is that the CPU overhead of index compression will be quite low for most folks (and at least partially offset by a reduction in index I/O operations).

October 2, 2009 at 3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bob! Good stuff, plz keep it up!

In terms of index design - less is always more. If you're true to third normal form, and err on the side of objectivity, then overall index key lengths will be quite small. Hence, no compression required!

An index is just that - it should not represent the BOOK. Simply stated, it must represent the critical / key components necessary to find critical data points, housed within said book (aka, tablespace).



R. Molera

z/OS DB2 DB Guy - for three decades now....

October 6, 2009 at 9:42 PM  
Blogger Robert Catterall said...

Good point, Rick. One should indeed be disciplined when it comes to defining indexes on tables. I see the index compression capability of DB2 9 for z/OS as being a good thing, but it should not be viewed as an excuse to index everything in sight.

I'm into my third decade of DB2 work, as well. Things like index subpages, about which we used to be so concerned, now seem so far back in the past...

October 7, 2009 at 11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much appreciated, Robert!

But just to be clear, I do wholeheartedly agree - there will be instances when index compression will be the perfect option, given the specific design requirement. Nice to know we have options and our z/OS DB2 toolbox continues to grow & evolve.

Thanks again for all the great info / tech-insights and hope to see you at upcoming '09 IOD in Las Vega$!!

Rick Molera
z/OS DB2er

October 9, 2009 at 4:50 PM  
Blogger Robert Catterall said...

I'll be there, Rick (I'll be giving a presentation on DB2 for z/OS data warehouse performance).

October 9, 2009 at 6:15 PM  

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