Some Basic Information About SQL in DB2-Accessing Programs
DB2 has been around for a long time (more than 25 years), and a lot of people who work with DB2 have been doing so for a long time (myself included). Many of the younger folks I meet who are professionally engaged in DB2-related activity are developers. Some of these who came to DB2 after working with other relational database management systems might have been initially confused on hearing their DB2-knowledgeable colleagues talk about SQL as being "embedded" or "static" or "dynamic." Waters may have been further muddied when familiar words such as "package," "collection," and "plan" took on unfamiliar meanings in discussions about DB2-based applications. Throw in a few terms like "DBRM" and "consistency token," and you can really have a DB2 newbie scratching his or her head. Of late, I've seen enough misunderstanding in relation to programming for DB2 data access. My hope is that this post will provide some clarity. Although I am writing from a DB2 for z/OS perspective, the concepts are essentially the same in a DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows environment (some of the terminology is a little different).
First up for explanation: embedded SQL. Basically, this refers to SQL statements, included in the body of a program, that are converted into a structure, called a package, that runs in the DB2 database services address space when the program executes. The package is generated through a mechanism, known as the bind process, that operates on a file called a database request module, or DBRM. The DBRM, which contains a program's embedded SQL statements in a bind-ready form, is one of two outputs produced when the program is run through the DB2 precompiler. The other of these outputs is a modified version of the source program, in which the embedded SQL statements have been commented out and to which calls to DB2 have been added -- one call per SQL statement. Each of these DB2 calls contains a statement number, the name of the program's DB2 package, and a timestamp-based identifier called a consistency token. The statement numbers and the consistency token are also included in the aforementioned DBRM, and these serve to tie the program in it's compiled and linked form to the package into which the DBRM is bound: at program execution time, a DB2 call indicates the package to use (the match is on package name and and consistency token value), and identifies the section of the package that corresponds to the SQL statement to be executed.
The above paragraph is kind of a mouthful. Here's the key concept to keep in mind: the package associated with a program containing embedded SQL is generated before the program ever runs. To put it another way, DB2 gets to see the embedded SQL statements and prepare them for execution (by doing things like access path selection) before they are issued by the application program.
A few more items of information related to packages:
- Packages are persistent -- they are stored in a system table in the DB2 directory database and loaded into memory when needed. Once cached in the DB2 for z/OS environmental descriptor manager pool (aka the EDM pool) a package is likely to stay memory-resident for some time, but if it eventually gets flushed out of the pool (as might happen if it goes for some time without being referenced), it will again be read in from the DB2 directory when needed.
- Packages are organized into groups called collections.
- For application processes that are local to a DB2 for z/OS subsystem (i.e., that run in the same z/OS system as the target DB2 data server), packages are executed through plans. So, a batch job running in a JES initiator address space -- or a CICS transaction, or an IMS transaction -- will provide to DB2 the name of a plan, which in turn points to one or more collections that contain the package or packages associated with the embedded SQL statements that the application process will issue. Applications that are remote to the DB2 subsystem and communicate with DB2 through the Distributed Data Facility using the DRDA protocol (Distributed Relational Database Architecture) make use of packages, but they do not refer to DB2 plans.
What about dynamic versus static SQL? Plenty of people who know a lot about DB2 will tell you that "static SQL" means the same thing as "embedded SQL." In my mind, the two terms are almost equivalent (some would say that this "almost" of mine is a matter of splitting hairs). It's true that static SQL is seen by DB2 and prepared for execution before the associated program is executed. That's what I said about embedded SQL, isn't it? Yes, but there is something called embedded dynamic SQL. That would be an SQL statement that is placed in a host variable that is subsequently referenced by a PREPARE statement. The SQL statement string in the host variable is dynamic (that is to say, it will be prepared by DB2 for execution when it is issued by the program), but -- and this is the splitting-hairs part -- PREPARE itself is not a dynamic SQL statement.
Dynamic SQL statements (again, those being statements that are prepared when issued by a program, versus being prepared beforehand through the previously described bind process) can of course be presented to DB2 without the use of PREPARE -- they can, for instance, take the form of ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) or JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls. They can also be issued interactively through tools such as SPUFI (part of the TSO/ISPF interface to DB2 for z/OS) and the command line processor (a component of DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows and of the DB2 Client).
Some DB2 people hear "dynamic SQL" and think "ad-hoc SQL." In fact, these terms are NOT interchangeable. Ad-hoc SQL is free-form and unpredictable -- it could be generated by someone using a query tool in a data warehouse environment. Ad-hoc SQL will be dynamic (prepared for execution by DB2 when issued), but dynamic SQL certainly doesn't have to be ad-hoc. There are tons of examples of applications -- user-written and vendor-supplied -- that send SQL statements to DB2 in a way that will result in dynamica statement preparation. That doesn't mean that users have any control over the form of statements so issued (users might only be able to provide values that will be substituted for parameter markers in a dynamic SQL statement). "Structured dynamic" is the phrase I use when referring to this type of SQL statement. Just remember: static SQL CANNOT change from execution to execution (aside from changes in the values of host variables). Dynamic SQL CAN change from execution to execution, but it doesn't HAVE to.
I'll close by pointing out that dynamic SQL statements are not, in fact, always prepared by DB2 at the time of their execution. Sometimes, they are prepared before their execution. I'm referring here to DB2's dynamic statement caching capability (active by default in DB2 V8 and V9 systems). When a dynamic SQL statement is prepared for execution, DB2 will keep a copy of the prepared form of the statement in memory. When the same statement is issued again (possibly with different parameter values if the statement was coded with parameter markers), DB2 can use the cached structure associated with the previously prepared instance of the statement, thereby saving the CPU cycles that would otherwise be consumed in re-preparing the statement from scratch. Dynamic statement caching is one of the key factors behind the growing popularity and prevalence of dynamic SQL in mainframe DB2 environments.
I hope that this overview of SQL in DB2-accessing programs will be useful to application developers and others who work with DB2. When all is said and done, the value of a database management system to an organization depends in large part on the value delivered by applications that interact with the DBMS. Code on!
DB2 for z/OS Data Sharing: Then and Now (Part 2)
In part 1 of this two-part entry, posted last week, I wrote about some of the more interesting changes that I've seen in DB2 for z/OS data sharing technology over the years (about 15) since it was introduced through DB2 Version 4. More specifically, in that entry I highlighted the tremendous improvement in performance with regard to the servicing of coupling facility requests, and described some of the system software enhancements that have made data sharing a more CPU-efficient solution for organizations looking to maximize the availability and scalability of a mainframe DB2 data-serving system. In this post, I'll cover changes in the way that people configure data sharing groups, and provide a contemporary view of a once-popular -- and perhaps now unnecessary -- application tuning action.
Putting it all together. Of course, before you run a DB2 data sharing group, you have to set one up. Hardware-wise, the biggest change since the early years of data sharing has been the growing use of internal coupling facilities, versus the standalone boxes that were once the only option available. The primary advantage of internal coupling facilities (ICFs), which operate as logical partitions within a System z server, with dedicated processor and memory resources, is economic: they cost less than external, standalone coupling facilities. They also offer something of a performance benefit, as communication between a z/OS system on a mainframe and an ICF on the same mainframe is a memory-to-memory operation, with no requirement for the traversing of a physical coupling facility link.
When internal coupling facilities first came along in the late 1990s, organizations that acquired them tended to use only one in a given parallel sysplex (the mainframe cluster on which a DB2 data sharing group runs) -- the other coupling facility in the sysplex (you always want at least two, so as to avoid having a single point of failure) would be of the external variety. This was so because people wanted to avoid the effect of the so-called "double failure" scenario, in which a mainframe housing both an ICF and a z/OS system participating in the sysplex associated with the ICF goes down. Group buffer pool duplexing, delivered with DB2 Version 6 (with a subsequently retrofit to Version 5), allayed the double-failure concerns of those who would put the group buffer pools (GBPs) in an ICF on a server with a sysplex-associated z/OS system: if that server were to fail, taking the ICF down with it, the surviving DB2 subsystems (running on another server or servers) would simply use what had been the secondary group buffer pools in the other coupling facility as primary GBPs, and the application workload would continue to be processed by those subsystems (in the meantime, any DB2 group members on the failed server would be automatically restarted on other servers in the sysplex). Ah, but what of the lock structure and the shared communications area (SCA), the other coupling facility structures used by the members of a DB2 data sharing group? Companies generally wanted these in an external, standalone CF (or in an ICF on a server that did not also house a z/OS system participating in the sysplex associated with the ICF). Why? Because a double-failure scenario involving these structures would lead to a group-wide failure -- this because successful rebuild of the lock structure or SCA (which would prevent a group failure) requires information from ALL the members of a DB2 data sharing group. If a server has an ICF containing the lock structure and SCA (these are usually placed within the same coupling facility) and also houses a member of the associated DB2 data sharing group, and that server fails, the lock structure and SCA will not be rebuilt (because a DB2 member failed, too), and without those structures, the data sharing group will come down.
Nowadays, parallel sysplexes configured with ICFs and no external CFs are increasingly common. For one thing, the double-failure scenario is less scary to a lot of folks than it used to be, because a) actually losing a System z server is exceedingly unlikely (it's rare enough for a z/OS or a DB2 or an ICF to crash, and rarer still for a mainframe itself to fail), and b) even if a double-failure involving the lock structure and SCA were to occur, causing the DB2 data sharing group to go down, the subsequent group restart process that would restore availability would likely complete within a few minutes (with duplexed group buffer pools, there would be no data sets in group buffer pool recover pending status, and restart goes much more quickly when there's no GRECP). Secondly, organizations that want insurance against even a very rare outage situation that would probably not exceed a small number of minutes in duration can eliminate the possibility of an outage-causing double-failure by implementing system duplexing of the lock structure and the SCA. System duplexing of the lock structure and SCA increases the overhead of running DB2 in data sharing mode (more so than group buffer pool duplexing), and that's why some organizations use it and some don't -- it's a cost versus benefit decision.
Another relatively recent development with regard to data sharing set-up is the availability of 64-bit addressing in Coupling Facility Control Code, beginning with the CFLEVEL 12 release (Coupling Facility Control Code is the operating system of a coupling facility, and I believe that CFLEVEL 16 is the current release). So, how big can an individual coupling facility structure be? About 100 GB (actually, 99,999,999 KB -- the current maximum value that can be specified when defining a structure in the specification of a Coupling Facility Resource Management, or CFRM, policy). For the lock structure and the SCA, this structure size ceiling (obviously well below what's possible with 64-bit addressing) is totally a non-issue, as these structures are usually not larger than 128 MB each. Could someone, someday, want a group buffer pool to be larger than 100 GB? Maybe, but I think that we're a long way from that point, and I expect that the 100 GB limit on the size of a coupling facility structure will be increased well before then.
DEALLOCATE or COMMIT? DB2 data sharing is, for the most part, invisible to application programs, and organizations implementing data sharing groups often find that use of the technology necessitates little, if anything, in the way of application code changes. That said, people have done various things over the years to optimize the CPU efficiency of DB2-accessing programs running in a data sharing environment. For a long time, one of the more popular tuning actions was to bind programs executed via persistent threads (i.e., threads that persist across commits, such as those associated with batch jobs and with CICS-DB2 protected entry threads) with the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) option. This was done to reduce tablespace lock activity: RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) causes tablespace locks (not page or row locks) acquired by an application process to be retained until thread deallocation, as opposed to being released (and reacquired, if necessary) at commit points. The reduced tablespace lock activity would in turn reduce the type of data sharing global lock contention called XES contention (about which I wrote in last week's part 1 of this two-part entry). There were some costs associated with the use of RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) for packages executed via persistent threads (the size of the DB2 EDM pool often had to be increased, and package rebind procedures sometimes had to be changed or rescheduled to reflect the fact that some packages would remain in an "in use" state for much longer periods of time than before), but these were typically seen as being outweighed by the gain in CPU efficiency related to the aforementioned reduction in the level of XES contention.
All well and good, but then (with DB2 Version 8) along came data sharing Locking Protocol 2 (also described in last week's part 1 post). Locking Protocol 2 drove XES contention way down, essentially eliminating XES contention reduction as a rational for pairing RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) with persistent threads. With this global locking protocol in effect, the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) versus RELEASE(COMMIT) package bind decision is essentially unrelated to your use of data sharing. There are still benefits associated with the use of RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) for persistent-thread packages (e.g., a slight improvement in CPU efficiency due to reduced tablespace lock and EDM pool resource release and reacquisition, more-effective dynamic prefetch), but take away the data sharing efficiency gain of old that is now provided by Locking Protocol 2, and you might decide to be more selective in your use of RELEASE(DEALLOCATE). If you implement a DB2 data sharing group, you may just leave your package bind RELEASE specifications as they were in your standalone DB2 environment.
What new advances in data sharing technology are on the way? We'll soon see: IBM is expected to formally announce DB2 Version "X," the successor to Version 9, later this year. I'll be looking for data sharing enhancements among the "What's New?" items delivered with Version X, and I'll likely report in this space on what I find. Stay tuned.
DB2 for z/OS Data Sharing: Then and Now (Part 1)
A couple of months ago, I did some DB2 data sharing planning work for a financial services organization. That engagement gave me an opportunity to reflect on how far the technology has come since it was introduced in the mid-1990s via DB2 for z/OS Version 4 (I was a part of IBM's DB2 National Technical Support team at the time, and I worked with several organizations that were among the very first to implement DB2 data sharing groups on parallel sysplex mainframe clusters). This being the start of a new year, it seems a fitting time to look at where DB2 data sharing is now as compared to where it was about fifteen years ago. I'll do that by way of a 2-part post, focusing here on speed gains and smarter software, and in part 2 (sometime next week) on configuration changes and application tuning considerations.
Speed, and more speed. One of most critical factors with respect to the performance of a data sharing group is the speed with which a request to a coupling facility can be processed. In a parallel sysplex, the coupling facilities provide the shared memory resource in which DB2 structures such as the global lock structure and the group buffer pools are located. Requests to these structures (e.g., the writing of a changed page to a group buffer pool, or the propagation of a global lock request for a data page or a row) have to be processed exceedingly quickly, because 1) the volume of requests can be very high (thousands per second) and 2) most DB2-related coupling facility requests are synchronous, meaning that the mainframe engine that drives such a request will wait, basically doing nothing, until the coupling facility response is received (this is so for performance reasons: the request-driving mainframe processor is like a runner in a relay race, waiting with outstretched hand to take the baton from a teammate and immediately sprint with it towards the finish line). This processor wait time associated with synchronous coupling facility requests, technically referred to as "dwell time," has to be minimized because it is a key determinant of data sharing overhead (that being the difference in the CPU cost of executing an SQL statement in a data sharing environment versus the cost of executing the same statement in a standalone DB2 subsystem).
In the late 1990s, people who looked after DB2 data sharing systems were pretty happy if they saw average service times for synchronous requests to the group buffer pools and lock structure that were under 250 and 150 microseconds, respectively. Nowadays, sites report that their average service times for synchronous group buffer pool and lock structure requests are less than 20 microseconds. This huge improvement is due in large part to two factors. First, coupling facility engines are MUCH faster than they were in the old days. If you know mainframes, you know about this even if you are not familiar with coupling facilities, because coupling facility microprocessors are identical, hardware-wise, to general purpose System z engines -- they just run Coupling Facility Control Code instead of z/OS. Today's z10 microprocessors pack 10 times the compute power delivered by top-of-the-line mainframe engines a decade ago. The second big performance booster with regard to coupling facility synchronous request service times is the major increase in coupling facility link capacity versus what was available in the 1999-2000 time frame. Back then, many of the links in use had an effective data rate of 250 MB per second. Current links can move information at 2 GB (2000 MB) per second.
This big improvement in performance related to the servicing of synchronous coupling facility requests helped to improve throughput in data sharing systems. Did it also reduce the CPU cost of data sharing? Yes, but it's only part of that story. DB2 data sharing is a more CPU-efficient technology now than it was in the 1990s: overhead in an environment characterized by lots of what I call inter-DB2 write/write interest (referring to the updating of individual database objects -- tables and indexes -- by multiple application processes running concurrently on different members of a DB2 data sharing group) was once generally in the 10-20% range. Now the range is more like 8-15%. That improvement wasn't helped along all that much by faster coupling facility engines. Sure, they lowered service times for synchronous coupling facility requests, but the resulting reduction in the aforementioned mainframe processor "dwell time" was offset by the fact that much-faster mainframe engines forgo handling a lot more instructions during a given period of "dwelling" versus their slower predecessors (in other words, as mainframe processors get faster, you have to drive down synchronous request service times just to hold the line on data sharing overhead). Faster coupling facility links helped to reduce overhead, but I think that improvements in DB2 data sharing CPU efficiency have at least as much to do with system software changes as with speedier servicing of coupling facility requests. A tip of the hat, then, to the DB2, z/OS, and Coupling Facility Control Code development teams.
Working smarter, not harder. Over the years, IBM has delivered a number of software enhancements that lowered the CPU cost of DB2 data sharing. Some of these code changes boosted efficiency by reducing the number of coupling facility requests that would be generated in the processing of a given workload. A DB2 Version 5 subsystem, for example (and recall that data sharing was introduced with DB2 Version 4), was able to detect more quickly that a data set that it was updating and which had been open on multiple members of a data sharing group was now physically closed on the other members. As a result, the subsystem could take the data set out of the group buffer pool dependent state sooner, thereby eliminating associated coupling facility group buffer pool requests. DB2 Version 6 introduced the MEMBER CLUSTER option of CREATE TABLESPACE, enabling organizations to reduce coupling facility accesses related to space map page updating for tablespaces with multi-member insert "hot spots" (these can occur when multiple application processes running on different DB2 members are driving concurrent inserts to the same area within a tablespace). DB2 Version 8 took advantage of a Coupling Facility Control Code enhancement, the WARM command (short for Write And Register Multiple -- a means of batching coupling facility requests), to reduce the number of group buffer pool writes necessitated by a page split in a group buffer pool dependent index from five to one.
These code improvements were all welcome, but my all-time favorite efficiency-boosting enhancement is the Locking Protocol 2 feature delivered with DB2 Version 8. Locking Protocol 2 lowered data sharing overhead by virtually eliminating a type of global lock contention known as XES contention. Prior to Version 8, if an application process running on a member of a data sharing group requested an IX or IS lock on a tablespace (indicating an intent to update or read from the tablespace in a non-exclusive manner), that request would be propagated by XES (Cross-System Extended Services, a component of the z/OS operating system) to the coupling facility lock structure as an X or S lock request (exclusive update or exclusive read) on the target object, because those are the only logical lock states known to XES. Thus, if process Q running on DB2 Version 7 member DB2A requests an IX lock on tablespace XYZ, that request will get propagated to the lock structure as an X lock on the tablespace. If process R running on DB2 Version 7 member DB2B subsequently requests an IS lock on the same tablespace, that request will be propagated to the lock structure as an S lock on the resource. If process Q on DB2A still holds its lock on tablespace XYZ, the lock structure will detect the incompatibility of the X and S locks on the tablespace, and DB2B will get a contention-detected response from the coupling facility. The z/OS image under which DB2B is running will contact the z/OS associated with DB2A in an effort to resolve the apparent contention situation. DB2A's z/OS then drives an IRLM exit (IRLM being the lock management subsystem used by DB2), supplying the target resource identifier (for tablespace XYZ) and the actual logical lock requests involved in the XES-perceived conflict (IX and IS). IRLM will indicate to the z/OS system that these logical lock states are in fact compatible, and DB2B's z/OS will be informed that application process R can in fact get it's requested lock on tablespace XYZ. The extra processing required to determine that the conflict perceived by XES is in fact not a conflict adds to the cost of data sharing.
With locking protocol 2, the aforementioned scenario would play out as follows: the request by application process Q on DB2 Version 8 (or 9) member DB2A for an IX lock on tablespace XYZ gets propagated to the lock structure as a request for an S lock on the object. The subsequent request by application process R on DB2 Version 8 (or 9) member DB2B is also propagated as an S lock request, and because S locks on a resource are compatible with each other, no contention is indicated in the response to DB2B's system from the coupling facility, and the lock request is granted. Because IX and IS tablespace lock requests are very common in a DB2 environment, and because IX-IX and IX-IS lock situations involving application access to a given tablespace from different data sharing members are not perceived by XES as being in-conflict when Locking Protocol 2 is in effect, almost all of the XES contention that would be seen in a pre-Version 8 DB2 data sharing group goes away, and data sharing CPU overhead goes down. I say almost all, because the S-IS tablespace lock situation (exclusive read on the one side, and non-exclusive read on the other), which would not result in XES contention with Locking Protocol 1, does cause XES contention with Locking Protocol 2 (the reason being that Locking Protocol 2 causes an S tablespace lock request to be propagated to the lock structure as an X request -- necessary to ensure that an X-IX tablespace lock situation will be correctly perceived by XES as being in-conflict). This is generally not a big deal, because S tablespace lock requests tend to be quite unusual in most DB2 systems.
So, DB2 for z/OS data sharing technology, which was truly ground-breaking when introduced, has not remained static in the years since -- it's gotten better, and it will get better still in years to come. That's good news for data sharing users. If your organization doesn't have a DB2 data sharing group, make a new year's resolution to look into it. In any case, stop by the blog next week for my part 2 entry on the "then" and "now" of data sharing.